Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Legendary Actor Dr.Vijay(Read on for explanations)


Jus minutes earlier my cousin calls me with a very interesting audio file... he also mailed it ta me.. And Ding! it struck me ta post something about it.  This post is really important. Pls do not neglect it as neglectin it might cause u and ur family hazards of viewing a Vijay Film. the audio file is a mock recording done in the form of special news report stating that 15 mins of the recent 'Villu' Film lead to diarrhea, vomiting and people getting hospitalized. 

In Mother Earth, there is a country India and the state Tamil Nadu.  And Tamil Nadus capital Chennai is the kingdon of Kollywood, the Tamil Cinema Industry.  And inside that industry is this Curse in the name of Vijay oopps and sorry its Dr. Vijay.  I have nothin against him personally but i am just not clear as to what he is upto lately.  

Actor Vijay presumes himself to be the next superstar and all that which he doesn qualify even an ounce for.  Am sorry to all the Vijay fans as you might find my post hard to accept as well as would want to kill me right away. But that doesn stop me from writing somethin which would save people from disastrous situations like watchin his movies.  

First seeing his positives, He might be a great dancer and a good actor, but with zero utility. There were movies of Vijay I would ayways appreciate but tryin ta be mass and making the audience fools is somethin remotely acceptable.. When people are trying to watch somethin meaninful and take out a message from a film what guts he should have to come out with a movie like Villu or Kuruvi or whatever which carry no relevance.  

Somethin which is very important to be mentioned.. Most of his Hit movies have always been remakes of telugu movie. So Scared of taking risks uh? 

Villu is a must watch movie as a punishment.  It will lead ta severe health problems and will make a person filmophobic.. that was my own term pls don mind. The movie depicts him as a hero who jus comes out of the sand like a whirlwind after he is buried for hours and a guy jumping out of the Goods carriage in the Chennai harbor filled with ice and directly landing in the sea. Hey, Come on yaar what is this. Din he ever feel like laughin when doin these things.    

Acting in a film is ok but publicizing one self and glorifyin ones image doesn need movie and such waste of money.  Right now the movies he did have no impact on audience and people might even forget them. But no they might remember them in a list of movies never to watch.  So pls do be careful readers about goin to a Vijays movie cause i wouldn wanna lose great readers like you.. 


1 comment:

Meow said...

ha h a ha... I can't stop lafing after listening to that villu audio.. nice post...

Romance is....

People who speak to me know that I do keep coming back to this topic pretty often cause it is very close to my heart! Romance always is! ...