Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Refreshing Passion in Companionship !!

May be I should rename my blog Randomly.. From Indian Railways.. Cause i get to write only in the train.. Here we go plunging into today's random thoughts..  Refreshing passion in companionship..

BTW this post is 'U' certified for readers who got intimidated by the name.
Though the trigger for this was the film 'Lootera' that i saw over the weekend, i started researching on what passion actually means. Quite a few reviews on Lootera said that what was portrayed was Lust while I felt it was beautifully portrayed Passion.. That's when I typed in my phone 'passion' and my search engine said 'Bing SafeSearch would not provide results as your search might contain adult content'.. That was a shocker.
In my opinion, passion is this very strong feeling towards a person, not jus physical like portrayed in Indian Cinema. It could be passion due to the gratification that other person would give u mentally, emotionally, intellectually or even creatively.
 What we have done that word is now relating it only to making love !! Where writers in news papers talk about passionate, steamy and hot.. All the time !

That's when the movie Jab We Met(that i have watched like innumerable times) came to my kind. That kind of passion Shahid carries for Kareena in the movie is purely that emotional happiness she gives him ! In this kinda passion, you might jus want to see that person, jus a good morning from them might elate your day.. Simple things might look beautiful.. Sheer thoughts of that persons mental presence will motivate you., Though portrayal of this passion is too less in movies(from where we pick most of these things).. These do exist.. This does not necessarily mean love.. Sheer Companionship !!
You would never know when this companion might come into your life and when this passion might take over.. But when it does, jus follow your heart and go with the flow !! You will never repent !!
Cheers !!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Is it too old or are we too lazy !!

As the usual, as this writer(atleast let me call myself that) jus passes through station after station sitting in an Indian Railways Shatabthi makes me wonder, when will we ever progress in keeping our trains and stations clean.. Even if we don progress it is still ok ! But cant we have it clean? Cleanliness & Maintenence is the first thing to do.. Where does all the money meant for this go? Anyway the answer is there  - Into some palatial house of some so called politicians !!
A few questions raised in a mind.. Are we being just sheer lazy by saying that we will preserve antique and old structures and not doing anything new?? Leave alone new.. Will the old "antique"  structures get destroyed if they are cleaned and painted ?
In the same lines - a recent article talked about how people incharge and making money for themselves by refurbishing dustbins around the city and replacing them with cheaper and bad ones !
Ethics gone, conscience gone, new thinking gone, responsibilty gone !! Without all these, people are jus close to being dead.. Whats the whole point in being dead and leaving in a palatial house !!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Growth at Workplace...

The title does not reflect 100% of what is written here..
Everyone who works in big organizations normally have a little of vetti(time pass) time in which they observe and reflect on their colleagues behaviors.. Following the same path, I did observe same in my own vetti time and now reflecting on it.. I thought it was definitely worth the share..
Disclaimer : The writer was in the train while penning this down and hence everything is random..  Any resemblances to the characters at workplace is purely true though not intentionally pointed at..
There are on a base level 4 types of ways people try to grow.. To be more precise 4 types characters that people display to grow
1. People who really work smart and hard
2. People who crib and grumble their way up
3. People who stick to power centres like leeches
4. People who display high power.
Normally, we have a tendency to blame such characteristics only on women at workplace, but this is true to both genders..a
Nothing much about the people belonging to category 1. Moving to the Crib Category.. These people always go on and on.. They talk about family issues, work pressures(that might not exist), their health issues, in cycle. They always have excuses that make u pity for them.. Creating so much pity around mostly makes the managers think "This person is doing so much(thats how it seems) despite his/her problems". Though I agree its a lot in women to do this, men do it so subtlely too..
Category 3.. You really need to keep urself away from these people, if you want a peaceful worklife. These people do anything to get attention from power centres(which might include bringing prasadam from temples to always saying yes to everything told in all meetings). The stick on to the power centres so much that at times you wonder there is something between them ;-).. Also these people, will not any Category 1 even come into 1km radius of this power centre !!! These people in general terms are "Jalras" Hence obviously they get to grow !!
Category 4.. These people might or might not be power centre but their display of power makes others intimidated. The fear that person creates will make him grow the ladder very easily.. Jus that, these people need not necessarily be what they look. They will be highly insecure of the category 1 and will use their power to put them down !!
May be after reading this, u might classify people at your workplace too !! These are all random thoughts and excerpts of such discussions I have at work with a friend..
Until the next random thought occurs wishing you an awesome work life and beware of category 3 again guys !!

Romance is....

People who speak to me know that I do keep coming back to this topic pretty often cause it is very close to my heart! Romance always is! ...