Monday, June 1, 2009

Four days off !!! First Day Work !!!


Too many things clog in my head as i write this post.. cause its been 5 days since i wrote and there were too many things that happened these 5 days.. 
First, I was off ta bangalore on vacation.. Wow, Kya weather yaar.. We are living in the furnace city.. My return here this mornin was a travel from heaven to hell literally. meanwhile i had a wonderful holiday at bangalore including a night and a day i spent at the Nagarahole forest guest house... here it is..

I know.. It looks really pleasing na.. was pleasing too.. But please, even if u gimme a 1000 crores i would stay there for a night.. I ll die of fear and create History for the same.. we stayed in the most dense forest i ve seen a whole night. No fan , the dimmest lights and additional sound effects including jackal howls, cricket clicks and so so on few of which i mind mentioning here.. The next morning was the early morning safari with the animals of the jungle.. The best part of it was the elephant which came running behind our van like crazy making us grip the edge of our seats and close our windows.. SO hence went the temporary forest life.. I was the happiest when i left that place.. We spent the next two days at bangalore jus relaxing and goin around small places, hopping between my aunts and uncles place.. and getting wet in the rain.. 

The next segment of my this post is about my first day work.. I have joined a consultancy firm as a trainee to kick start my career in business development.. so.. Its been ages since i left the house.. I left at 9 and was back at 7 30.. I in fact even felt home sick around 4 that i called my mom and spoke to her for sometime.. Apart from all this my first day was quite memorable, i did little work and helped a few other teammates and left for the day with a wide smile on my face.. 

SO.. Lets see whats my life has got in store for me as i start this new fresh chapter in my beautiful book of life.. I ll surely keep u posted as my blog are my basic thoughts to fill my book.. Until then .. Adios !!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


chandramughi effect irundhuchaa>? in that haunted house?

Romance is....

People who speak to me know that I do keep coming back to this topic pretty often cause it is very close to my heart! Romance always is! ...