Monday, November 30, 2009

A Post by Chrony !!! (Guest Post 1)

What is our aim in life?

We often try to predict the future based on the past but neither one exist. Both are illusions. There is no past. There is no future... The only thing that exist is the present state.

Furthermore none of us do not even know what we really want in life. Our real desire is to meet life as it is, even though we don't understand what that means. Through this invisible cord of dreams we are all connected to another world - a place beyond description, space, time, cause and effect.

This same cord vibrates in different frequency leveles when our emotions are manifested through the times of sadness and happiness, loneliness and togetherness.
These emotions might even bring out different emotions in us but our subconscious mind dosent really know what makes us happy or sad, it just expresses itself based on the emotion that we run through the chambers of our brain and the response action because of this expression is entirely based on OUR decision on how we choose to respond to the world.

Are we going through a dark phase in life and are we expecting a light beam in our downtrodden present state of mind? Does it look like the end?

Believe me! rather; believe in yourself!! It is just the beginning.


Hey Aish! I totally enjoyed doing this guest post. Tried one of my favorite genres for your special day.Psychology is indeed a welcome break for me from my usual humor stream. It was a pleasure to scribble this so called psycho-script. Hope your readers do not run away from this page after reading this guest article from me. Blogging has given me many good souls with whom i have a platonic relationship and you are one such soul.Have many more blogging years and all the very best for your future. God bless you

Prason Christopher Robin


Meow said...

That was one really interesting and beautiful post Chriz :):) loved it.. and how true.. both are illusions!!!

Praseela Nair said...

Wow!! Chronic writer has penned the human emotions so well! Great

Haddock said...

There was a past and there IS going to be future.
Reflecting on the past does help in forming your present.

Anya said...


absoultely true.. there WAS a past.. It doesnt exist anymore.. and the future also doesnot exist now.. only the present exist as of now..

i should have made this simpler


thanks much.. yus illusions they are



Aishwarya said...

Wow... Chrony made my blog popular !!!! Thanks Chriz

Anonymous said...


Good for you. :) :)


Is it Chrony??? :D. Egad, unbelievable. But beautiful post indeed. Quite pertinent to almost everybody especially me at this moment in time in life.

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