Monday, September 2, 2013

Are u Engaged Enough ??

Employee Engagement - The one aspect at workplaces that gets varied level of treatments. While certain leaders rate it to be the top most priority, others brush it aside as an unwanted expense ! Beyond all this, are companies doing it the right way is one big question mark!
Before even getting into the right ways of it, what does it mean to a company ? Though being associated with the employee engagement framework I have never been able to figure out what is the real intent..
Are we saying that just throwing parties and sponsoring 5 star lunches for employees gonna stop them from leaving the company.. If yes, that employee doesn deserve to be in the company at all !! While on the flipside constantly trying to make employees feel good seems to be the need of the hour !!
I always feel that there is the gap between the leadership team and the employees in this aspect.. Cause, what happens is that there is always a "I feed(read:push down your throat) what I feel you should eat" attitude among people who want to engage employees. Should  it not be "Tell me what you would like to eat, I d see how i can get u something close to that".. This is the huge disconnect that leads to lot of them being disengaged and leaving !  It is unavoidable for one to stop junior staff leaving and its good for staff who ve been around for too long leaving.. But the middle management, needs to be most engaged. Here engagement means involvement. What do they wanna hear, what do they wanna see, where are they making progress.. These things would be biggest motivation for employees to stay and contribute.. The need to have the pride of working on something that makes the own it up !!
Yes, parties and lunches do play a role too !! After all, all work and no play makes jack a dull boy !!
"Engagement is never a tick in the box, its like democracy - of the people, for the people, by the people !! Is it not??


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very true and very tough and i guess no companies have known the secret of employee engagement, its still evolving!! good one

Romance is....

People who speak to me know that I do keep coming back to this topic pretty often cause it is very close to my heart! Romance always is! ...