Saturday, December 19, 2009

Contrast !!!


Been a while since i blogged. Today i get the time to enjoy writing along with the rythm of the rain. I dunno why, but life seems to be the best when it rains.

A week ago...

You feel like having stuff hot and drinking steaming mugs of coffee. There are people who say otherwise. They say life is miserable when it rains and that they are not able to continue with their jobs. The best impact rain has is on school students, that too during exam time. Exams getting postponed excites them. One of the classic examples is my brother who spreads this news of joy to each and every person in his class. He takes full pleasure in making my dad pay the phone bill to do a broadcast of "declared holiday" news.


A total contrast. Its sunshine. I jus think the weather is kind of fully confused with what to do. Keeps changing drastically on a day to day basis. Today is a Saturday, and am working. Thats sad, is not it... I feel bad to come so far on Saturdays but what do I do. Office cannot be shifted for my own fancies right. Still, apart from work i had a lot of things to do today. A concert, alumni meet, dance classes. But this distance between my home and work makes me handicapped. I cannot do anythin when i think about doing it.. Am I actually making my blog a "Cribbing About Everythin" area. Am stopping here.

On a happier note. Things seem to take a turn in life... I have 3 performances and an invocation dance lined up.. January is gonna be a month of dance. One of my friends is back.. My first training batch is over. Lots other things make me really happy too. This blog is named contrast as i have compared above the weather of yesterday and today.. My life works the same where I crib and the next moment i feel happy.. So.. There is some global warming happening inside me too !!!

Hey. I ve been thinking of a topic to blog on for ages but its never happened.. Bloggers out there.. Pls help me.. Until then......


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Romance is....

People who speak to me know that I do keep coming back to this topic pretty often cause it is very close to my heart! Romance always is! ...