Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Whats in a BABY !!!


All of us like babies a lot but whats in it to so Aw about !!!? Don mistake me.. Even i Aw at babies. This question of mine which was in the back of my head for so many days got answered very recently when i best friend gave birth to a kid. It was 8.30 in the night and I was standing outside the operation theatre doors, waiting for the guy to be out of my best buds tummy and BAM doors open and the doctor gets out the baby for us to see. He was jus 5-10 minutes old. O my God.. What a wonder !! A living things so sweet and nice has been sitting inside the tummy for so long. HE was so pink and i would also say dirty. And he suddely triend to open his eyes. Seeing this world and Universe for the first time... How can you jus not say an Aw about this. Tears welled up my eyes.. I ve never seen a baby so early.. Except my bro.. but i was small then, din understand these things... This I think is one of the most amazing things !!! So.. I visited him the next day(yesterday).. He was stretching nicely.. He is outta a cucoon and he was trying so hard to be free and out.. He was sleeping though.. AM so waiting to go and visit him today, which i will in sometime.. Happy mom and Happy Dad... And here I am.. May be he ll call me Aunt Aishu !!! I wouldn mind it though !!!!

And guys.. I ve been having this craving for Hot Chocolate since the day i saw the movie Chocolat.. I wanna really good hot Chocolate made outta Cacoa and not bournvita powder.. Do suggest me a place in Chennai if you know one..


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Me and Raavanan !!!!

After the hype created around raavanan and and the one I created by myself to see the movie without hearin any kinda non sense from any anti social elements... I watched the movie yesterday... The list includes my 2 friends and my cousin who i turned deaf ears to this past few days.. Turnin deaf ears even meant accusing them to my mom..

So finally about the movie which has been having a mixed response.. It was great.. or let me put it this way.. I Liked it !! Generally for the past week there have jus been more criticisms, but i don see anythin to be criticized in the movie.. You sit at a movie theatre and you have one of the most breathtaking views of the forests and the rain and hear some real good music, see amazing actors transforming as characters, and a great experience.. What lacks here?? It is a real down to down simple storyline known by all the Hindus.. Even the characters portrayed have shades of the epic characters.. And I found it ta be a great modern day adaptation..

The positives of the movie was the choice of cast, camera work, music, acting, and of course the mani ratnam banner... Vikram is awesomeness personified, Aishwarya - adorable, Prithvi - Neat, Karthik-as usual - leaves a mark, and others have done a great job too..

Still Mani Ratnam cant escape criticism... There were a lot of loose ends in the movie.. Towards the end a few characters were jus neglected and suddenly their characters stopped appearing.. And the editing I would call it different when compared to other movies.. There are people actually pointing out mistakes in editing but i think it pretty well suited the tempo of the movie..

Final Verdict - I would surely suggest this movie for hard core Mani fans and even people who like ta see movies with class unlike mass... U d surely Like it !!! But if u have made up ur mind to go and criticize, save the money and go for a ur type movie rather than irritating others !!!

Actually this final verdict is so harsh, cause i had people who don even watch enough number of movies to even talk about it.. When you don like somethin, you don like it... The person has ta keep it to themselves rather than pushin the idea to other people and make them change their perceptions..

After the movie, me and one o my best buddy had time out tagether at Express Avenue.. The new mall near the Royapettah Clock tower.. DO pay a visit there.. Its worth it !!

And ya, I am jus half way developung soemthin bout a bro-sis relationship.. Will publish it once done !!! Until then.. Veera veera veera


Sunday, June 20, 2010

The "ME" Tag

Here is somethin a flicked from Meow's Blog.. Jus liked it...

My 3 famous name
  • Aishu
  • Ice
  • Eruma(Buffallo)
3 things that scare me:
  • Insects
  • Walking alone in the night at 12(I ve done it once)
  • Facing someone when am embarrased
3 things which make me smile:
  • A day out with him
  • A box of Chocolates
  • Thought of a Holiday
3 things I love:
  • Chocolates
  • Mobile, Ipod
  • Rain
3 things I hate:
  • People with a wrong attitude
  • Being Questioned unnecessarily
  • Being Lied to
3 things I don't understand:
  • A lot of stuff in Medicine
  • Why Girls are always jealous
  • Why are Dads and Bros possessive when moms are supportive
3 things I am doing right now:
  • Doing this tag
  • Music on my comp
  • Thinking of what ta do after this
3 things I can't do:
  • Be without expressing what i feel
  • Somethin which doesn make me happy
  • forcing myself
3 things I think you should listen to:
  • Melody Songs
  • Ur minds Voice
  • Sounds of dawn
3 shows I watched as a kid:
  • Jungle book
  • Tom and Jerry
  • Somethin on Jain TV
3 things I want in a relationship:
  • Lotsa Love and Romance
  • Commitment
  • Tolerance
3 things that appeal me from opposite sex
  • Voice
  • Smile
  • Wit
3 favorite fictitious characters:
  • Harry Potter
  • Lizzy(Pretty Women)
  • Me(If I were part of a book)
3 of my favorite hobbies:
  • Dancing
  • Music
  • Being Online
3 beverages I drink regularly:
  • Coffee
  • Mango Juice
  • Coffee days Cold Coffees
3 things I like about myself:
  • Outgoing and Extrovert
  • My smile and attitude
  • My confidence
3 things I hate about myself:
  • Tolerance
  • Patience
  • Being too open
3 things I am wearing right now:
  • Clothes
  • Jewels
  • Glasses
2 truths & a lie (in the same order)
  • I am an impulsive buyer
  • I love travelling
  • I I dont have time to blog(its an outright lie i Use)
This tag is open ta anyone...


Romance is....

People who speak to me know that I do keep coming back to this topic pretty often cause it is very close to my heart! Romance always is! ...