Do you know that many times in life, when our decisions seem
really irrational and we feel quite low, there is a possibility that we are
jumping into the next big idea of our life.
If you have read this and gone ‘meh’, yes it is ok. It is as
vague as it sounds.

When there is a low, the mind starts working like a ‘devil
let loose’. A situation I have faced with my head and just reflecting on how am turning it around for me! There is a lot of misery, disappointment, anxiety, fear of future
and in few cases even mental depression. It is very sad to see that people need
to go through this. They in fact stop taking any risks.
Penning Down a few thoughts based on my experiences on what can we best do...
It is important for us to think that when there is a dip,
anything after that can only be better than that! ‘It is anyway up-hill. So go right into it without fearing the
failure. The simple question we can ask our self is ‘What can be worse than the present?’
So once you have made up your mind that anyway it will be
better to stop wondering ‘how much better’! This is the exact time of life we
need to use the mantra ‘just go with it’.
You never know, you might just laugh at your this phase of life in future!
Build on the positivism people around can give you. All you need is a message that
states ‘Hope you are feeling better
today?’ Being around people who will just listen and not give advice unless
asked really helps. You have way too much on your plate to deal with, leave
alone those ‘advice toppings’ coming your way.
A low is the best ever opportunity to focus on self and do any necessary course corrections. Be it physical fitness, mental strength, skill
development. There is no better time than this to focus on that. The
motivation levels are terrific, believe me!
It is possible that a trough can leave you torn where you
cease trusting yourself and others. Rather, start doing just the opposite. Trust yourself and others. If somebody
is offering you help genuinely, trust
their instinct and trust your capability. You will never ever go wrong
Certain times, there are people who just ‘like to watch the
world burn’! You know who I am talking about. Keep away from the curious cats who are waiting to know what went
wrong with your life! Smile and Laugh so
hard that your positivity just shoos them away!
I am sure, each one in these stumpy situations will have an idea, that will be an inner
passion waiting to be kindled. We most often do not action it due to ‘self-doubt’.
I suggest ‘go for it’. So what, if
it is a rebound. In most cases, a rebound
does turn into one of the best decisions of your life! Remember - You have to do this for you. This is for you. Live for yourself!
That’s enough gyan for the day! This post is not an essay of
self-pity. It is a pure capture of experiences and more! Please do not text me
asking if everything is ok with me.